[1]和秋菊,易传辉,王 珊,等.昆明市区蝴蝶群落多样性研究[J].西北林学院学报,2008,23(03):147-150.
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A Preli mi nary St u dy o n Co m mu ni t y Di versi t y of Butt erfl y i n K u n mi ng
和秋菊1 易传辉2 王 珊1 张正旺1
HE Qi u—ji u1YI Chuan—hui 2WAN G Shan1Z HAN G Z heng—wang1
1.Southwest Forestry College ,Kunming,Yunnan 650224,China;2.Yunnan Forestry Vocational College ,Kunming,Yunnan 650224,China
butterfly di versity Kun ming
为了给蝴蝶资源开发和生物多样性保护提供基础资料,于2004年3月至2007年5月对昆明市区蝴蝶群落进行了调查。采用a—多样性测度和G—F 指数方法对蝴蝶群落多样性进行了研究。结果表明:物种丰富度指数以夏季最高,为63;全年以蛱蝶科(Ny mphali dae)丰富度最高,为18;春、夏两季优势种分别为卓瞿眼蝶(Ypthi ma zodi ac Butler)和苎麻珍蝶(Acraea i ssori a (H bner)),秋季优势种为橙黄豆粉蝶(Coli as fi el di i M n tri s )和大绢斑蝶指名亚种(Paranti ca si ta si ta(Kollar)),冬季优势种为东方菜粉蝶(Pi eri s cani di a (Sparr man))和矍眼蝶(Ypthi ma bal da (Fab—ri ci us)),全年优势种为卓瞿眼蝶(Ypthi ma zodi acc);物种多样性指数、F 指数和G 指数均以夏季最高,分别为3.57、10.97和3.59;均匀度指数以冬季最高,为0.345。昆明市区蝴蝶群落具有较高的多样性和稳定性;群落特征与距主城区距离有关,距离越远,物种丰富度和多样性越高。
A fi eld i nvesti gati on was conducted fro m March 2004to May 2007on t he co mpositi on of butterfly co mmunity i n s uburb areas of Kun mi ng ,Yunnan Provi nce to obtai n basi ng i nfor mati on for t he bi odi versity protecti on .The co mmunity di versity was st udi ed by t he met hod of α—di versity and G—Fi ndex .The res ults
s ho wed t he i ndex of t he ri chness of bi odi versity reached its maxi mu mi n s u mmer :63,and t he Ny mphali dae was t he hi ghest i n whole year :18.The do mi nance s peci es was Ypthi ma zodi ac Butler i n s pri ng ,Acraea i s—sori a (H bner)i n Su mmer ,Coli as fi el di i M n tri s and Paranti ca si ta si ta (Kollar)i n aut u mn ,Pi eri s cani di a (Sparr man)and Ypthi ma bal da (Fabri ci us)i n Wi nter ,and Ypthi ma zodi ac Butler i n whole year .Speci es di versity i ndex ,F—i ndex and G—i ndex are t he hi ghest i n s u mmer i n whole year ,and t hey were 3.57,10.97and 3.59res pecti vely .The evenness i ndex was 0.345i n wi nter ,and it was t he hi ghest i n whole year .i ndi cati ng t hat t he di versity and stability of butterfly co mmunity i n Kun mi ng i s hi gh ,and t he characteri sti c of butterfly co mmunity are related to t he di stance fro m don wto w of Kun mi ng City ,t he farer t he di stance ,t he hi gher t he s peci es di versity and ri chness .


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收稿日期:2007—10—10 修回日期:2007—12—14 基金项目:国家林业局资源保护基金(2005—56);西南林学院青年基金项目 作者简介:和秋菊(1972—),女,云南丽江人,讲师,主要从事森林昆虫学的教学与科研工作。
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