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 Effects of RPA on the Height Growth of Pinus tabulaeformis by Aerial Seeding
 (1. 西北农林科技大学鼠害治理研究中心 陕西 杨陵 712100;2. 陕西省飞机播种造林工作站,陕西 西安 710082;3. 汉中市森林病虫害防治检疫站,陕西 汉中 723000,4. 咸阳市森林病虫害防治检疫站,陕西 咸阳 712000)
 LI Jian-chun12 ZHANG Bin-shan3 DANG Qi-yu4 HAN Chong-xuan1*
 (1. Research Center of Rodent Pest Management, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100,China; 2. Shaanxi Work Station of Afforestation by Aerial Seeding, Xi′an, Shaanxi 710082, China; 3. Hanzhong Station of Forest Pest Management, Hanzhong, Shaanxi 723000, China)
 RPA afforestation by aerial seeding Pinus tabulaeformis height growth
 多效抗旱驱鼠剂(RPA)拌种是提高飞播造林成效的重要措施。为了正确评价RPA拌种飞播造林成效,为制定科学的飞播造林技术方案和飞播林营林方案提供依据,采用ANOVA-LSD均值检验法和模型分析法,利用陕西4个地区14 a油松高生长资料,分析了RPA和对照飞播油松高生长的差异和年动态。结果表明,各地飞播油松的高生长表现为汉中>安康>淳化>商州。RPA处理区14 a生油松高比对照分别提高了(33.0±1.6)%、(26.9±2.3)%、(29.5±3.6)%和(31.7±6.3)%;RPA处理与对照间树高差异十分明显(p<0.01),且差距逐年增大;年际间高生长量均值变异较大,增益作用有波动。理论上可将飞播油松林生活周期分为幼苗生长期、个体林木生长期和群体林木生长期。其中,幼苗生长期决定飞播造林的成败,个体林木生长期决定林木能否成林。汉中、安康和淳化RPA和对照油松林的理论更新周期分别为42 a和44 a,商州的为43 a和45 a。
 Dressing seed with RPA is an important measure to enhance the effectiveness of afforestation by aerial seeding. In order to correctly evaluate the effectiveness of this method, and to provide reference for making technical scheme of afforestation by aerial seeding and the aerial seeding forest management, by using the ANOVA-LSD mean value test method and the model analysis method, differences in height growth of Pinus tabulaeformis trees among different areas and dynamic changes were evaluated. The results showed that the height growth of the trees in four afforestation areas was in an order of Hanzhong > Ankang > Chunhua > Shangzhou. Significant differences in height growth were observed between those treated by RPA and the control. In the four areas above mentioned, compared with the control, the percentages of the height increments in the past 14 years were 33% ± 1.6%, 26.9%±2.3%, 29.5%±3.6%, and 31.7% ±6.3%, respectively. Differences between the RPA treatments and the control were significant (p<0.01), and increased with time. On the other hand, the average values of height growth varied in different years, indicating the fluctuations of the effectiveness. Theoretically, the life cycle of P. tabulaeformis can be divided into the young seedling period, the individual tree growth period and the population forest growth period. Among them, the young seedling period is a key stage to determine the success of afforestation by aerial seeding, and the individual tree growth period is the period to decide whether the individual trees can form forest. The theoretical regeneration cycles for RPA treated forest and the control were 42 and 44 years in Hanzhoung, Ankang and Chunhua, and 43 and 45 years in Shangzhou.


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