[1]张 黎,赵荣军ˇ,费本华.人工林木材材性预测研究进展[J].西北林学院学报,2008,23(02):160.
 ZHANG Li,ZHAO Rongjun,FEI Benhua.Progress on Prediction of Wood Properties from Plantation[J].JOURNAL OF NORTHWEST FORESTRY UNIVERSITY,2008,23(02):160.





Progress on Prediction of Wood Properties from Plantation
张 黎 12 赵荣军 2ˇ 费本华 2
1.西北农林科技大学 机械与电子工程学院, 陕西 杨陵 712100;2.中国林业科学研 究院木材工业研究所,北京 100091
ZHANG Li 12 ZHAO Rongˉjun 2ˇ FEI Benˉhua 2
1.Institute of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering,Northwest A&F University,Yangling,Shaanxi 712100,China; 2.Research Institute of Wood Industry,Chinese Academy of Forestry,B eijing 100091,China
plantation prediction of wood property remote sensing tech nique artificial neural network nearˉinfrared spectroscopy technique
为解决人工林定向培育与木材加工利用相脱节的状况,木材材质预测逐渐成为人 工林培育 科学与木材科学领域研究的中心问题之一。系统地总结了人工林木材材性预测的方法, 通过分析 比较各种预测方法,以期对我国人工林木材材性预测的深入开展起到一定的借鉴意义, 更好地用于 指导人工林定向培育和木材加工利用。
In order to solve the disconnection between oriented culti vation of plantation and wood processˉ ing, the prediction of wood properties gradually becomes one of cr ucial subjects in the domain of plantation cultivation science and wood science. Prediction methods of wood pr operties from plantation were systemiˉ cally summed up and each method was analyzed and compared to prov ide certain model significance for the further development of prediction of wood properties and better i nstruction for oriented cultivation of planˉ tation and wood processing.


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收稿日期:2006ˉ05ˉ09 修回日期:2007ˉ07ˉ09 基金项目:国家林业局“948”引进项目 “人工林木材性快速预测技术引进”(2006ˉ4ˉ96)。 作者简介:张 黎(1982ˉ),女, 河南周口人,硕士研究生,研究方向:木材科学。ˇ通讯作者:赵荣军。
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