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 State of Soil Nutrients of Apple Orchards in the Major Production Area of Feng County in Jiangsu Province
 (1.中国科学院 南京土壤研究所土壤环境与污染修复重点实验室,江苏 南京210082;2. 江苏省丰县农业委员会土肥站,江苏 丰县 221700;3. 太仓市土壤肥料站,江苏 太仓 215400)
 LI Jian-gang1 HOU Zong-hai2 ZHANG Xu-mei3 DONG Yuan-hua1*
 (1. Key Laboratory of Soil Environment and Pollution Remediation, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210082,China; 2. Feng County Soil and Fertilizer Station, Fengxian, Jiangsu 221700, China; 3. Taicang Soil and Fertilizer Station, Taicang, Jiangsu 215400, China)
 Feng county apple orchard soil nutrient second general soil survey
 为全面了解和掌握江苏丰县地区苹果园土壤养分总体状况,实现苹果科学合理施肥,对丰县4个主产苹果的宋楼、华山、大沙河和孙楼镇的果园进行土壤养分调查和分析。选取10 年生左右的丰产果园,共采集371个土壤样品, 测定了土壤中有机质、全N、全P、全K及速效养分的含量。结果表明,4个镇果园土壤 pH 平均为8.32,属于碱性土壤。所检测的养分除了全P和速效P含量总体较为丰富之外,土壤有机质、全N和碱解N,全K和速效K含量均相对较低,处于中等和缺乏水平,而且各个地方的含量也不相同,其中孙楼镇的土壤有机质、全氮、全磷含量显著高于其他3个镇的水平,分别为14.11、1.09、1.04 g·kg-1。而全钾和速效钾均以宋楼镇最高,分别是19.38 g·kg-1和 114.73 g·kg-1。与1982年丰县第2次土壤普查时候相比,由于平衡施肥技术,沃土工程的实施,丰县整体的养分含量有了大幅的提高。
 To fully verify the overall status of soil nutrients in apple orchards and provide scientific fertilization methods for apple trees of Feng County in Jiangsu Province, the soil nutrients of 371 soil samples were collected from about ten-year-old orchards in 4 major apple planting townships: Songlou, Huashan, Dashahe, and Sunlou. Soil nutrients were analyzed, including soil organic matter, total N, total P, total K and available nutrients concentrations. The results showed that the orchard soil pH was 8.32 on average, which means they were alkaline soil. Total P and available P concentrations were relatively rich, others, such as soil organic matter, total N, hydrolyzable N, total K, available K concentrations, were relatively low or in the medium levels. Additionally, soil nutrient concentrations varied among different sampling locations. For example, the concentrations of soil organic matter, total N, total P were the highest in Sunlou, with the concentrations of 14.11 g·kg-1, 1.09 g·kg-1, and 1.04 g·kg-1, respectively. While the concentrations of total K and available K were the highest in Songlou with the concentrations of 19.38 g·kg-1 and 114.73 g·kg-1. Although the concentrations of soil nutrients were low, they significantly increased compared with the data of the concentrations from the second general soil survey due to balanced fertilization technology and the implementation of the fertile soil engineering.


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