 DUAN Er jun,LIU Zeng wen*,FENG Shun yu,et al.Comparison of Plants Diversity Undergrowth in Different Forests in Semihumid Rolling Loess Region of Northern Shaanxi[J].JOURNAL OF NORTHWEST FORESTRY UNIVERSITY,2009,24(02):1-6.





Comparison of Plants Diversity Undergrowth in Different Forests in Semihumid Rolling Loess Region of Northern Shaanxi
段而军 刘增文* 冯顺煜 刘卓玛姐
(西北农林科技大学 资源环境学院,陕西 杨陵 712100)
DUAN Erjun LIU Zengwen* FENG Shunyu LIUZHUO Majie
(College of Resources Environment, Northwest A&F University, Yangling,Shaanxi 712100, China)
semihumid rolling loess regionplanted forests natural forests plant diversity
对陕北半湿润黄土丘陵区不同林地林下植物研究表明,除了杨树林地以1年生植物种为主外,其他林地均以高位芽植物种占绝对优势。林下植物的总盖度大小顺序为刺槐林(100.71%)>刺槐+油松林(70.95%)>落叶松林(53.57%)>侧柏林(45.02%)>侧柏+辽东栎林、油松+辽东栎林(30.80%~32.60%)>油松林、白桦林、杨树林、辽东栎林(16.27%~22.35%)>荒坡草地(11.58%)>华山松林、华山松+辽东栎林(1.00%~1.34%)。灌木层第一优势种类因地而异,并以黄蔷薇(Rosa hugonis)、茶条槭 (Acer ginnala)和白刺花(Sophora davidii)最为常见。草本层第一优势植物种类以羊胡子草(Carex rigescens)占绝对优势,其次有冰草(Agropyron cristatum)、胡枝子(Lespedeza formosa)、野棉花(Anemone vitifolia)和蒿类(Artemisia)植物。林下植物总的物种多样性指数和大小顺序为落叶松林(8.37)>油松+辽东栎林、侧柏林、白桦林、油松林(6.09~6.43)>侧柏+辽东栎林(5.55)>华山松+辽东栎林、杨树林(4.58~4.73)>华山松林、刺槐+油松林(3.28~3.39)>刺槐林、辽东栎林(2.60~2.76)。此外,除了杨树林,其他林地的灌木层物种多样性总体上要大于草本层。不同森林类型的林下植物盖度和多样性的差异,反映出森林群落环境和土壤性质对林下植物数量和物种组成的双重影响,可以作为森林群落环境和土壤性质的重要标识和林地管理的重要依据。
According to the study on the diversity of undergrowth plants in planted and natural forests in semihumid rolling loess region of northern Shaanxi, life form spectrum of undergrowth in most forests do dominated by phanerophytes except for the forests of Populus. simonii in which therophtes were dominant species instead. The order of the coverage of undergrowth in forests was Robinia pseudoacacia(100.71%)>R. pseudoacacia+Pinus tabulaeformis (70.95%)>Larix principisrupprechtii(53.57%)>Platycladus orientalis(45.02%)>Platycladus orientalis+Quercus liaotungensis, Pinus tabulaeformis+Q. liaotungensis(30.80%~32.60%)>Pinus tabulaeformis, Betula platyphylla, Populus simonii, Q. liaotungensis(16.27%~22.35%)>grassland (11.58%)>Pinus armandii, Pinus armandii+Q. liaotungensis (1.00%~1.34%). The dominant shrubs species undergrowth altered with forest types and popular with Rosa hugonis, Acer ginnala and Sophora davidii. Meanwhile, herbs species undergrowth dominated absolutely by Carex rigescens and companied by Agropyron cristatum, Lespedeza formosa, Anemone vitifolia and Artemisia. The order of indicess of plant diversity was L. principisrupprechtii(8.37)>Pinus tabulaeformis + Q. liaotungensis, Pinus orientalis, B. platyphylla, Pinus tabulaeformis(6.09~6.43)>Pinus orientalis + Q. liaotungensis (5.55)>Pinus armandii + Q. liaotungensis, Populus simonii(4.58~4.73)>Pinus armandii, R. pseudoacacia + Pinus tabulaeformis(3.28~3.39)>R. pseudoacacia, Q. liaotungensis(2.60~2.76). In additon, except for forests of Populus simonii, the plant diversities of shrubslayers were more than herbslayers. The difference of coverage and diversity of undertrees layers between different forests reflects double influences of community environment and forest soil on plant amount and species composition, which can be taken as indicator of different environments of forest communities and soil properties and basis of forestland management.


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收稿日期:20080530修回日期:20080706基金项目: 西北农林科技大学人才计划项目(2005);国家自然科学基金项目 (30471376)。作者简介:段而军,男,在读硕士,主要从事水土保持与森林生态研究。Email: dej0823@yahoo.com.cn*通讯作者:刘增文,男,博士,副教授,主要从事森林生态与水土保持研究。Email: zengwenliu2003@yahoo.com.cn
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